Nareena Hills Public School

Caring Living Learning

Telephone02 4226 3867

Application for Extended Travel

Application for Extended Leave and Certificate of Extended Leave forms are required when a student will be absent from school for more than three (3) days

Families are encouraged to travel during school holidays. If travel during school term is necessary, discuss this with your child's school principal. An 'Application for Extended Leave' may need to be completed. Absences relating to travel will be marked as leave on the roll and, therefore, contribute to your child's total absences for the year.

It is a policy of the NSW Department of Education that if a student is taking leave for travel, an application for extended leave must be made prior to the leave being taken. Travel documentation relating to the period of absence must also be supplied. This document can be found on the School Bytes App under the forms tab.

The documents must be submitted to the School Office prior to the leave being taken.

The Principal will review the application and if accepted, a Certificate of Leave will be issued which will appear on the Parent Portal on School Bytes. This certificate must be taken with the student whilst on leave.